30 August 2006

Shopping list...

As time ticks away I find myself with an ever growing "list of things to do"... I am going to have a big (charity shop) shopping trip this weekend, to try to get as much of it as possible, so that the cast have a chance to practice with the props. Normally this isn't such an issue, but with all the (minor) costume changes that are needed throughout, I think it's a good idea to get it all sorted ASAP.

If any of you happy readers have any of the following items please let me know!
  • Pink/yellow or otherwise brightly coloured cardigan
  • Brown or grey cardigan
  • Flowery skirt
  • Pair of men's glasses (preferably old man shaped)
  • Tweed jacket (or similar)
  • Flat cap
  • PE Skirt
  • Skipping rope
  • School bell (hand bell)
  • Pinstripe jacket any colour
  • Exercise books
  • Newspapers (obviously I can source these!)
  • Briefcase
  • A copy (preferably in MP3 or similar format) of "Little Green Bag", from Reservoir Dogs

Any help gratefully accepted!

23 August 2006

Where has the time gone??

Well, here we are. Five weeks from the festival... FIVE WEEKS!! That's ten rehearsals!

However, we have had a couple of promising rehearsals recently, albeit without various members of the cast (note to members of casts through out the world: if you're rehearsing on Tuesdays, remember that you're rehearsing on Tuesdays and don't be on the wrong side of Surrey at the time you're supposed to start). I'm really impressed with the amount of lines that the girls especially have managed to learn. Hopefully they will continue to get the lines in, so we can do things properly without the books.

Pete (lovely SM) and I had a good chat at the pub, supposedly about the play, but we did digress a little (but hey, the world is now set to rights again!). I think I have solved our rehearsal space problems, if the Scouts and Guides let us use the hall, which is a big issue in my mind! Its just a few lighting ideas, and finally sorting out the sound cues... Oh and more directorial ideas to have.

Now begin the "lets break up the script and go over and over and over it" rehearsals, which are always fun. But it needs to be done and it will be! The kids are still really enthusiastic though, which helps! Let's hope I can bottle their enthusiasm for the weeks to come...!