08 May 2006

Read throughs are more scary than auditions: Discuss.

Tonight is the make or break read through at The Castle in Ottershaw. (Of course, I still have to get my proposal accepted by the committee and there might not be room for us in the entries anyway, so this could all be a waste of time…)

I am inexplicably nervous. I HATE talking in front of people I don’t know, (ironic considering how much I enjoy prancing about on stage in front of people I don’t know), and am scared that they’re going to think that I am too inexperienced to direct a show for the drama festival and stupid to even consider it.

I am also worried that there will be no “youths” there, and the committee will therefore presume that there is no interest in it. I am fully aware of the fact that the age I am targeting are the age who are doing their GCSEs at the moment and so probably won’t be able to come tonight. But the auditions and rehearsals will be well after the GCSE period so shouldn’t be a problem. Let’s just hope that the committee remember this!!

Maybe I’ll write a blurb about the play, and what I want to do with it. Maybe that’ll make people think I know what I’m doing, and will involve less lengthy explanations from me. Here’s hoping!


petercmoore said...

Nah. Auditions are far scarier. You have to try to direct people at auditions (at least, I like to) if only a little bit.

Writing a synopsis and a paragraph about how you'd approach the play is a good idea. You can at least read it out to everyone.

Chris said...

Well, it went OK, didn't it? Good luck with the production, Clare, I'm sure it will be a great success.